Julie McCamey, Alan Schwartz at the Woodworkers Shop at Hathaway Ranch.
The Pushstick
The Pushstick Newsletter is the monthly publication of Woodworkers of Whittier. Within The Pushstick you will find club news, meeting reminders, event schedules, and important contact information for the club. Publication is usually timed to deliver just before the monthly meeting date.
Below are back issues of The Pushstick published within the last couple of years. You can download all prior issues from 2005 to 2019 by downloading compressed ZIP files. Click the file links and save to your computer: 2005–2012 Pushstick Archive, and 2013–2019 Pushstick Archive.
Subscriptions to The Pushstick are automatic with every club membership. Delivery may be via email (preferred) or by first class mail. Members are encouraged to opt for email delivery to save the club the expense of printing and postage.
Delivery via email will be in the form of Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file attachment. Adobe makes Acrobat Reader to read PDF files. Most computers come with the free Acrobat Reader already installed, but if you don’t have a copy you can download Acrobat Reader at: https://adobe.ly/3KCytR9.
Subscribing to email delivery is simple: click here to send an email to pushstick@woodworkersofwhittier.org and include your name so we can remove you from the US Mail list. Sometimes we cannot tell who you are just from an email address, so including your name is helpful. To unsubscribe, just send an email requesting to be removed from the email list.
Important delivery note: If you have a spam filtering service, be sure to white list the woodworkersofwhittier.org domain. We cannot deliver your newsletter if your ISP filters us out.
Nonclub-member subscriptions: If you are not a member of WOW but have an interest in receiving club news, we invite your subscription request. Simply follow the subscription instructions above with full contact information and an explanation of your interest in WOW. Non-member subscriptions are available via email delivery only.
No issues were published in 2021
July (no issue published)
October (no issue published)
Pushstick Archives
2005–2012 Pushstick Archive (5.9 MB ZIP)
2013–2019 Pushstick Archive (16.1 MB ZIP)